Journals in Statistics
- Gares V., Hudson M., Manuguerra M. and Gebski V. Effect of a correlated competing risk on marginal survival estimation in an accelerated failure time model. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation. 51(6), pp. 1-23, 2024.
- Lopuhaä H.P., Gares V. and Ruiz-Gazen A. S-estimation in linear models with structured covariance matrices. Annals of statistics. 51(6), pp. 2415-2439, 2023.
- Vo T.H., Gares V., L-C. Zhang L-C., Happe A., Oger E., S. Paquelet S. et Chauvet G. Cox regression with linked data. Statistics in medecine. 43(2), pp. 296-314, 2023.
- Vo T.H., Chauvet G., Happe A., Oger E., Paquelet S. et Gares V. Extending the Fellegi-Sunter record linkage model for mixed-type data with application to the French national health data system. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis journal. 79, pp. 107656, 2023.
- Koroko A., Anciaux-Sedrakian A., Ben Gharbia I., Gares V., Haddou M. and Tran Q.H. Efficient Approximations of the Fisher Matrix in Neural Networks using Kronecker Product Singular Value Decomposition. ESAIM: Proceedings and Survey. 73, pp. 218-237, 2023.
- Guernec G., Gares V., Omer J., Saint-Pierre P. and Savy N. OTrecod: An R Package for Data Fusion using Optimal Transportation Theory. R Journal. 2023.
- Gares V., Hajage, D. and Chauvet, G. Closed-form variance estimator for generalized propensity score. Biometrical Journal. 64(1), pp. 33-56, 2022.
- Gares V. and Omer J. Regularized Optimal Transport of Covariates and Outcomes in Data Recoding. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 117(537), pp. 320-333, 2020.
- Gares V., Dimeglio C, Guernec G, Fantin F, Lepage B, Korosok MR and Savy N. On the use of optimal transportation theory to recode variables and application to database merging. The International Journal of Biostatistics, 16(1), 2019.
- Gares V., Andrieu S., Dupuy J.-F. and Savy N. On Fleming-Harrington’s test for late effects in prevention randomized controlled trials. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 11(3), pp.418-435, 2017. (Supplementary materials)
- Gares V., Andrieu S., Dupuy J.-F. and Savy N. An omnibus test for several hazard alternatives in prevention randomized controlled clinical trials. Statistics in Medicine, 34(4), pp. 541-557, 2015.
- Gares V., Andrieu S., Dupuy J.-F. and Savy N. A comparison of the constant piecewise weighted and Fleming Harrington's tests. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 8(1), pp. 841-860, 2014.
Journals applied to medical
- Lequy E., Javad M., Vienneau D., de Hoogh K., Chen, J., Dupuy, J-F., Gares V., Burte E., Bouaziz O., Le Tertre A., Wagner, V., Hertel O., Christensen J. H., Zhivin S., Siemiatycki J., Goldberg M., Zins M. and Jacquemin B. Influence of exposure assessment methods on associations between long-term exposure to outdoor fine particulate matter and risk of cancer in the French cohort Gazel. Science of The Total Environment, 820, pp. 153098, 2022.
- Lequy E., Siemiatycki J., De Hoogh K., Vienneau D., Dupuy J.-F., Gares V., Hertel O., Christensen J. H., Zhivin S., Goldberg M., Zins M. and Jacquemin B. Contribution of Long-Term Exposure to Outdoor Black Carbon to the Carcinogenicity of Air Pollution: Evidence regarding Risk of Cancer in the Gazel Cohort. Environmental Health Perspectives, 129(3), pp. 37005, 2021.
- Guillen A., Curot J., Birmes P., Denuelle M., Gares V., Taïb S., Valton L. and Yrondi A. Suicidal Ideation and Traumatic Exposure Should Not Be Neglected in Epileptic Patients: A Multi-dimensional Comparison of the Psychiatric Profile of Patients Suffering from Epilepsy and Patients Suffering from Psychogenic Non-epileptic Seizures. Frontiers in Psychiatry, section Mood and Anxiety Disorders, 10, pp. 303, 2019.
- Gebski V., Gares V., Gibbs E. and Byth K. Data maturity and follow-up in time-to-event analyses: How far in time to extend the Kaplan-Meier Plot. International Journal of Epidemiology, 33(5), pp. 441-458, 2018.
- Castagné R., Gares V., Karimi M., Chadeau-Hyam M., Vineis P, Delpierre C. and Kelly-Irving M. Lifepath consortium. Allostatic load and subsequent all-cause mortality: which biological markers drive the relationship? Findings from a UK birth cohort. Europeen Journal of Epidemiology, 145(16), pp. 3405-3412, 2017.
- Gares V., Panico L., Castagné R., Delpierre C. and Kelly-Irving M. The role of the early social environment on Epstein Barr virus infection: a prospective observational design using the Millennium Cohort Study. Epidemiology and infections, 145(16), pp. 3405-3412, 2017.
- Garsed D. W., [...], Gares V., [...], The Australian Ovarian Cancer Study Group,[...] Bowtell D. D. L. and DeFazio A. Homologous Recombination DNA Repair Pathway Disruption and Retinoblastoma Protein Loss are Associated with Exceptional Survival in High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer. Clinical Cancer Research, 24(3), pp. 569-580, 2017.
- Coley N.*, Gallini A.*, Gares V., Gardette V., Andrieu S. and the ICTUS/DSA group. A longitudinal study of transitions between informal and formal care in Alzheimer’s disease using multistate models in European ICTUS cohort. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 16(12), pp. 1104.e1-7, 2015.
- Soto M., Andrieu S., Gares V., Gillette-Guyonnet S., Cantet C., Vellas B. and Nourhashémi F. Living alone with Alzheimer's disease and the risk of adverse outcomes. Results from the PLASA study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 63(4), pp. 651-8, 2014.
- Title: Optimal transportation for data recoding.
Author: Guernec G., Navarro P. and Garès V.
- Chezeu V. (or.), Dupuy J.F. and Gares V.. Statistical analysis of matched survival data in national health databases. 55ème journées de la Société Française de Statistique, Bordeaux, mai 2024.
- Dufraiche, J. (or.), Gares V., Giacofci M. and Klutchnikoff N. Optimal Transport in Jazz Music Analysis. Application to the Real Book. 55ème journées de la Société Française de Statistique, Bordeaux, mai 2024.
- Gares V., Lopuhaä R. et Ruiz Gazen A. Robust estimation in linear mixed effects models. 55ème journées de la Société Française de Statistique, Bordeaux, mai 2024.
- Giacofci M. (or.), Gares V. and Monbet V. Mixture of functional principal component regression. 54ème journées de la Société Française de Statistique, Bruxelle, 4 june 2023.
- Gares V. (or.), Courty N. and Friguet C. Optimal transport for data integration. 54ème journées de la Société Française de Statistique, Bruxelle, 6 june 2023.
- Gares V. (or.) and Gavra, I. (or.) Quelques questions d’éthique liées aux algorithmes d’intelligence artificielle. Séminaire éthique IRMAR, Rennes, 16 june 2023.
- Gares V. (or.), Jeamart M., Bernard R., Courty N. and Friguet C. JDCOT : an Algorithm for Transfer Learning in Incomparable Domains using Optimal Transport. Journées MAS 2022, Rouen, 29 august 2022.
- Vo T.H. (or.), Gares V., Happe A., Oger E., Paquelet S. and Chauvet G. Cox regression with linked data. The 43rd Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (ISCB), Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 21-25 august 2022.
- Lavenu A. (or.), Murris J., Mareau A., Rouzé T., Fromont M., Gares V. and Katsahian S. Comparaisons de méthodes pour données de survie en grande dimension sur de petits échantillons : optimisation des hyperparamètres et validation. Conférence Intelligence artificielle et santé : approches interdisciplinaires, Nantes, 30 june 2022.
- Lavenu A. (or.), Murris J., Mareau A., Rouzé T., Fromont M., Gares V. and Katsahian S. Comparaisons de méthodes pour données de survie en grande dimension sur de petits échantillons : optimisation des hyperparamètres et validation. 53ème journées de la Société Française de Statistique, Lyon, 16 june 2022.
- Gares V. (or.), Hajage D. and Chauvet G. Closed-form variance estimator for generalized propensity score. 53ème journées de la Société Française de Statistique, Lyon, 16 june 2022.
- Vo T.H. (or.), Gares V., Happe A., Oger E., Paquelet S. and Chauvet G. Cox regression with linked data. 53ème journées de la Société Française de Statistique, Lyon, 16 june 2022.
- Friguet C. (or.), Jeamart M., Bernard R., Courty N. and Gares V.. JDCOT : an Algorithm for Transfer Learning in Incomparable Domains using Optimal Transport. 53ème journées de la Société Française de Statistique, Lyon, 14 june 2022.
- Vo T.H. (or.), Gares V., Happe A., Oger E., Paquelet S. and Chauvet G. An extension of Fellegi-Sunter record linkage model for mixed-type data with application to SNDS. The 42rd Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (ISCB), Lyon, France, 18-22 july 2021.
- Gares V. (or.), Hajage D. and Chauvet G. Closed-form variance estimator for generalized propensity score. The 42rd Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (ISCB), Lyon, 20 july 2021.
- Vo T.H. (or.), Gares V., Happe A., Oger E., Paquelet S. and Chauvet G. An extension of Fellegi-Sunter record linkage model for mixed-type data with application to SNDS. 53ème journées de la Société Française de Statistique, Nice, France, 7-11 june 2021.
- Gares V. (or.), Omer J. and Savy N. Regularized optimal transport of covariates and outcomes in data recoding. Conference CM statistics, London, 21 december 2019.
- Hudson M. (or.), Gares V., Manuguerra M., Gebski V. Correlated bivariate Normal competing risks -- simulation findings in an ill-posed problem. Joint International Society for Clinical Biostatistics and Australian Statistical Conference, Melbourne, 30 august 2018.
- Garès V. (or.), Dimeglio C., Guernec G., Fantin R., Lepage B., Kosorok M.R., Savy N. On the use of optimal transportation theory to merge databases. 50ème journées de la Société Française de Statistique, EDF Lab Paris Saclay, 31 may 2018.
- Garès V. (or.), Omer J., Guernec G. and Savy N. On the use of optimal transportation theory to merge databases. Conference on Statistics and Health, Toulouse, France, 13 january 2018. (Slides)
- Garès V. (or.), Hudson M. and Gebski V. Estimating correlation between competing risks. Biometrics by the Harbour, Hobart, Tasmania, Autralia, 3 december 2015
- Gibbs E. (or.), Gebski V., Garès V. and Byth K. Data maturity and follow-up in time-to-event analyses: How far in time to extend the Kaplan-Meier Plot? ACTA 2015, International Clinical Trials Symposium, Sydney, Australie, 9 october 2015.
- Garès V. (or.), Hudson M. and Gebski V. Estimating correlation between competing risks. ACTA 2015, International Clinical Trials Symposium, Sydney, Autralia, 9 october 2015
- Savy N. (or.), Garès V., Andrieu S. and Dupuy J.-F. On the use of Fleming and Harrington's test to detect late effects in clinical trials. 8th International Conference of the ERCIM Working Group on Computational and Methodological Statistics, London, UK, 2015.
- Garès V. (or.), Andrieu S., Dupuy J.-F. and Savy N. Un nouveau test pour l’analyse de données de prévention en recherche clinique. 45ème journées de la Société Française de Statistique, Toulouse, France, 27 may 2013
- Garès V. (or.), Andrieu S., Dupuy J.-F. and Savy N. On the use of Fleming-Harrington’s test in prevention trials. Statistical Models and Methods for Reliability and Survival Analysis and Their Validation, Bordeaux, France, 4 july 2012.
- Garès V. (or.), Andrieu S., Dupuy J.-F. and Savy N. Utilisation du test de Fleming-Harrington dans les essais de prévention. 44ème journées de la Société Française de Statistique, Brussels, Belgium, 24 may 2012
- Coley N. (or.), Garès V., Gallini A., Gardette V., Vellas B., Grand A., Andrieu S. et l’Ictus study group. Evolution de la prise en charge des sujets diagnostiqués Alzheimer à 2 ans de suivi en Europe. 34ème Journées Annuelles de la Société Française de Gériatrie et Gérontologie, Paris, France, 25-27 november 2014.
- Gregory G., Garès V., Navaro, P. Omer, J., Saint-Pierre P. and Savy, N. OTrecod: An package for data integration using Optimal Transportation theory. useR! 2019, Toulouse, 9-12 july 2019
- Garès V., Andrieu S., Dupuy J.-F. and Savy N. Améliorer la performance des outils statistiques des essais de prévention de la maladie d'Alzheimer. France Alzheimer association and Fondation de France, Paris, 3 june 2014
- Vanessa Chezeu (thèse Cotutelle INSA / Cameroun) (2023 - present)
Analyse de données de survie de données chaînées
Co-encadrement avec Jean-François Dupuy et Samuel Bowong - Ghanem Bahrini (thèse CIFRE INSA / SAFRAN) (2023 - present)
Analyse de survie en présence de risques concurrents avec prise en compte des données longitudinales
Co-encadrement avec Jean-François Dupuy et Morgane Arbet-Massin - Abdoulaye Koroko (thèse IFPEN) (2020 - 2023)
Méthodes d'optimisation stables et parallèles pour l'apprentissage avec de grandes données
Co-encadrement avec Ani Anciau Sedrakian, Ibtihel Ben Gharbia, Mounir Haddou et Quang Huy tran - Aymane Gourimane (thèse cifre avec Eurovia) (2019 - 2023)
Amélioration de l'uni longitudinal des chaussées
Co-encadrement avec Fekri Meftah et Jean-François Dupuy - Thanh Huan Vo (thèse CHL / B<>com) (2019 - 2022)
Appariement de bases de données et application sur les données du SNIIRAM
Co-encadrement avec Guillaume Chauvet,